
Department: Planning & Zoning
News items are listed in the sequential order of their release posting dates.
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Highlands Water Protection and Planning Act
Highlands Water Protection and Planning Act
On August 10, 2004, the Governor signed into law the Highlands Water Protection and Planning Act. Please be advised that the entire Township of West Milford is located within the Highlands preservation area. To assist the residents with this new State regulation, the Township has prepared three separate notices to inform the public when inquiring of the Township about a building project. These three notices are linked herewith. The first notice you will see is titled “Local Exemption.” This notice will be distributed to all people at the time a Zoning Permit Application Form is given out. It advises the individual that improvements and additions to existing single-family house lots will receive a local exemption from the Act and further explains that other projects will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
The second notice you will see is titled “List of Exemptions.” This notice will be issued by the Construction Official when an applicant for a Zoning or Building Permit can receive a locally issued exemption from the Act. It will apprise the applicant for which exemption he or she qualifies pursuant to Section 30 of the Highlands Water Protection and Planning Act.
The final notice you will see is titled “Information Sheet for Potential Applicants before the West Milford Planning Board or Board of Adjustment.” This notice will be handed out to all potential applicants applying to one of the two Township land use boards. It identifies local exemption and provides procedural assistance by outlining three possible options for an applicant to pursue if an approval from the State Department of Environmental Protection is required.
Link to Highlands web page:
Notice #1 – Local Exemption
Notice #2 – List of Exemptions
Notice #3 – Information Sheet for Potential Applicants before the West Milford Planning Board or Board of Adjustment