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Tennessee Gas Pipeline Information
Informational Session 2 W. Milford – East 300 Upgrade Project
Thursday, May 13, 2021
6:30 – 8:30pm EDT
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 938 2245 1265
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Pursuant to the April 30, 2021 call with Tennessee Gas Pipeline personnel, below you will find a link on an existing project website to allow for West Milford residents to ask questions in advance of the 5/13/21 Informational Session. At the bottom of the page under “Resources”, residents can click on “East 300 Upgrade Project Information Request” to submit their questions to be answered on the call.
TGP will host a follow-up virtual informational session via Zoom to answer West Milford residents’ questions regarding the proposed West Milford Compressor Station on May 13th beginning at 6:30 pm EDT and ending at 8:30 pm EDT. The Zoom informational session will allow TGP to present facts regarding the compressor station, respond to questions regarding the compressor station that TGP receives via a portal to be established on its existing project website, and allow West Milford residents to ask questions of the TGP team during the informational session via the “Chat function” on Zoom.
This format will provide residents with the opportunity for the requested back and forth dialogue with TGP with regard to their questions. Additionally, TGP will commit to responding to questions from West Milford residents that have not been previously addressed by TGP regarding the compressor station that are submitted via the portal on its existing project website, even after the follow-up session.
As previously discussed, TGP will address questions about the proposed West Milford Compressor Station, during and after the follow-up informational session, and will not address questions or statements that are not relevant to this facility. In addition, TGP may not be able to answer questions during the informational session if consultation with a subject matter expert is required, but will provide a follow up response via the portal.