September 2023
Charles Carbone, P.E., Supervising Engineering Aide
An updated proposal for the engineering analysis and feasibility of the Bradrick Lane Stream was received and approved. The consulting Township Engineer is anticipated to provide a preliminary report regarding the existing water course and provide opinion regarding possible improvements, if any, in October.
bus shelter & BUS STOP
A follow-up contact attempt to NJ Transit was made to identify how to move forward with the replacement of a former bus shelter on Union Valley Road near Dunkin’ and Lakeland Bank and to identify what is required to request a new bus stop on Marshall Hill Road. Both areas were reviewed internally for viability.
A garage sale map was produced utilizing participant registration information provided by the Clerk’s Office. The location map was intended to provide a graphical reference for the public attempting to visit registered garage sale points. The map was provided to the Clerk’s Office and available for download.
One (1) initial, single-family, residential lot development plan was reviewed for compliance with Section 110-4 of the Township Code and any applicable Board resolutions. Two (2) as-built / final plans were reviewed, inspected and processed as needed. All lot development plan review results are entered into the “Spatial Data Logic” system. The results are also posted for public consumption within the Engineering Division section of the Township’s website ( under the Site Plan Tracker. Meetings, requested by a developer, were attended to assist of requirements prior to Engineering review.
Technical assistance was provided to the DPW to evaluate the condition of an existing, failing stormwater drainage pipe through a drainage easement. The area was temporarily secured and further evaluation is required utilizing an underground pipe camera to identify the condition of the underground pipe.
Bids were received and opened on September 22nd for the 2023-2024 Snow Plowing Services. A total of six contractors, totaling 50 trucks, submitted bids. A draft resolution will be provided for Governing Body consideration at the October 4th meeting. The Township contracts for private snow plowing services (trucks and drivers) annually to supplement in-house manpower and equipment. The Department of Public Works is responsible for snow and ice removal on all 194 miles of Township, non-Township and private roads within West Milford.
A second change order was approved, by resolution, for miscellaneous items not shown on the construction documents and determined as part of the renovation and alteration work. Technical assistance was provided to the Contractor regarding the renovation project as needed. The Contractor has been coordinating work efforts with other municipal staff throughout the project. Various ongoing and outstanding items were discussed with the Contractor and other municipal staff in order to address the change orders and other work. The renovation project intends to convert the former Library building to municipal office space.
- Technical assistance, regarding lot development plans, storm drainage issues, active construction projects, flood zones, right-of-way issues, etc. were provided to concerned residents on 43 occasions. Field inspections, photographs, reports and/or follow up were required for 6 of these issues.
- Technical assistance was provided, for various issues, to other departments on 36 occasions.
- File research, map copies and/or information was provided to professionals on 14 occasion.
- Assistance was provided to builders, contractors and utilities on 16 occasions.
- 3 Right of Way Entry Permit Applications were received, processed, and returned to the Clerk’s office.
- 4 OPRA requests were responded to.
- Two Administrator meetings were attended.
- Soil Conservation District was contacted regarding soil grading activities for one ongoing project.
- Rain inspections were performed during heavy rain events at various locations to record and identify potential improvements, if any.
- 1 Planning Board application was reviewed.
- 1 Board of Adjustment applications was reviewed.
- One safety committee meeting was attended.
- One Americans with Disabilities meeting was attended.
- A webinar “Principles of Pavement” was attended.
- A webinar “Work Zone Safety” was attended.
- A webinar “Work zone temporary traffic controls” was attended.
- A site meeting was held with P.S.E.&G. to discuss the relocation of the existing gas main in anticipation of the construction for the replacement of the Stowaway Road Super Structure.
- A review was done for the garage sale maps for the Town wide garage sale.
- A prior Board of Adjustment file was reviewed for a developer to ascertain if all the required revisions and resolution requirements were met, in anticipation of filing for a lot development permit.
- Three outdoor permit applications were reviewed and forwarded to the Recreation Department for their review.
Bids were received and opened on September 1st for this NJDOT Municipal Aid resurfacing project. A construction contract was awarded, by resolution, by the Governing Body on September 13th. A preconstruction meeting was held on September 22nd with the Contractor and Township staff. In-house drainage improvements and preparatory work will continue until completion, and includes trimming of road shoulder brush and repair of stormwater structures. All contract award documentation was provided through the electronic NJDOT project management system and under the review of the NJDOT. Construction work is anticipated to begin in October, pending NJDOT approval. This resurfacing project is partially funded by a $332,000 State Aid roadway grant.
The Hanover, Alpine, Princeton, Lyons and Beverly Road Improvement Project was provided to the consultant Township Engineer to review and complete final aspects of the project in an effort to expedite the timeliness of the project in anticipation of other in-house projects prioritizing staff time. Once the extent of work is confirmed, the completed design will be coordinated between both the consultant and Engineering Division. The proposed project intends to improve, through special assessment charged to the potentially benefiting property owners, Hanover Road, Alpine Court, Princeton Road (portion), Lyons Road (portion), and Beverly Court. These dirt/gravel roads were accepted by ordinance in the summer of 2019. A special assessment ordinance was approved by the Governing Body in April 2022 at a Town Council meeting to award the funding for this project. Field work was completed through the winter of 2022-2023 and design began as time permitted in 2023.
2023 township GUIDE RAIL program
The Governing Body approved a contract, by resolution, to replace guide rail throughout various Township roads. The requested work was confirmed with the Contractor and the Township is awaiting a construction schedule for the replacement of the guide rail. This work is completed utilizing the Morris County Cooperative Pricing Council.
The replacement of failed or damaged Township concrete curb continued through September as part of the replacement program. The locations are based on needs of construction and preparatory work. The curb intended to be replaced is a result of impending resurfacing work, drainage improvements or similar needs for replacement. The primary function of road curbing is to attenuate drainage towards stormwater drainage infrastructure. Concrete curb intended to be replaced was approved by the Governing Body, by resolution, as a construction contract through the Morris County Cooperative Pricing Council. Due to underground utility conflicts, a portion of concrete curb replacement was temporarily postponed as a result of the Contractor’s construction activities. The work is anticipated to be completed in October to allow resurfacing to follow after. The roads intended to be resurfaced through the 2023 Township Road Resurfacing– Phase One project were reviewed and work lists prepared for DPW completion prior to the start of construction. A majority of the outstanding maintenance work was completed by DPW staff during the year in anticipation of the impending program excluding minor items that were noted for completion prior to the start of the program. Final material estimates were provided to the Contractor for Phase One of the program in order to determine the construction schedule. Property owners were provided notification regarding the proposed construction schedule. The resurfacing activities began on September 29th. The Phase One program intends to resurface the following 3.6-miles of Township roads, or portions thereof: Cahill Cross Road (between 865’ west of Richmond Road and Ridge Road (North)), Edgar Drive, Schofield Road (between Maple Road and Hancock Drive), Grandview Lane, Hillside Lane, Orbit Road, Valley View Lane, Clermont Road, Daretown Road, Dover Road, Elberon Road, Ormond Road, Crawford Street, Weedon Drive, Yorkshire Avenue, Bracken Road, North Glenwood Road, Sweetbriar Road, Algonquian Way, Burlington Drive, Evanstan Avenue East, Mohican Trail, Newton Drive, Teo Terrace, Torne Mountain Road, Truro Road, Truro Road South, Stanley Street, Fox Court, Raven Court and Ryan Court. The Department of Public Works was provided the list of roads previously in order to begin maintenance of the roadways when weather and time allows. The field work to begin plan preparation of the 2023 Township Road Resurfacing – Phase Two project (Appletree Lane and Lake Shore Drive, between Fanwood Court and Longhouse Drive; approximately 1.21 miles) is anticipated to begin in the fall for bidding procedures to occur next year and proposed resurfacing in early 2024.
As part of the ongoing work to move forward with the proposed traffic signal project at the Union Valley Road, Greenwood Lake Turnpike, Lakeside Road and Stainsby Road intersection, the consultant traffic engineer revised the plan as a result of the minor changes to the plan. The Passaic County Engineering Department approved the revisions to the Conceptual Design. The Consulting Traffic Engineer was given the go ahead to prepare the final design drawings, traffic light timing, construction details and specifications for review by the Passaic County Engineering Department and West Milford Engineering Division.