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- Does West Milford require an inspection on resale of a home?
No. We do not require a Certificate of Continued Occupancy on the resale of home. A Smoke Detector Certification is required and is performed by the Fire Prevention Department; Please call 973-728-2840 to schedule an appointment. If you need a letter stating that a CCO is not required you must request it in writing and there is a $20 fee. Please allow ample time before your closing.
- I’m selling my house, is the Township going to make me remove my underground oil storage tank?
No. As long as the tank is still being used and it is not leaking it may remain in place. A prospective buyer may want you to remove or properly abandon it in place, but that is a contractual negotiation between you and the buyer.
- I’m selling my house, the buyer’s inspector said some items are not “up to code”, do I have to bring it up to current code?
No. Codes are updated every three years, there is no requirement that existing buildings conform to new codes unless work is being done. This is a contractual negotiation between you and the buyer.
- Does West Milford require an inspection on resale of a home?
- When is a permit required?
A permit is required to construct, enlarge, repair, renovate, alter, reconstruct or demolish a structure or to install or alter equipment, such as heating or air conditioning. There are exceptions for ordinary maintenance.
The following are not considered ordinary repairs and would require a permit:
· Cutting away of any wall, partition or portion thereof.
· The removal or cutting of any structural beam or bearing support.
· The removal or change of any required means of egress.
· Any work affecting structural or fire safety.
· Any work that will increase the nonconformity of any building or structure.
· Addition to, or alteration, replacement or relocation of water supply, sewer drainage, gas, soil, waste, vent or similar piping.
· Addition to, or alteration, replacement or relocation of electrical wiring other than low voltage communication wiring in a one or two family home.
· Installation of wood paneling.
The following are considered ordinary repairs and would not require a permit:
· Exterior or interior painting.
· Installation, repair or replacement of less than 25% of plaster or drywall in any given room.
· Vinyl or Paper wall covering.
· Replacement of glass in any door or window. (The glass must be of the type required by code)
· The installation and replacement of any window or door, including garage doors, in the same opening without altering the dimensions or framing of the original opening. This includes storm windows and doors. Replacement Egress doors and windows shall not reduce the required height, width or net clear opening of the previous window or door.
· Repair or replacement of any non-structural member such as kitchen cabinets.
· The replacement or installation of any flooring material in a one or two family home.
· The repair or installation of interior or exterior trim or molding.
· The repair of existing roof material not exceeding 25% of the total roof area in any 12-month period.
· The repair of existing siding, with like material, not exceeding 25% of the total building exterior wall area in any 12-month period.
· The repair or replacement of any part of a porch or stoop, which does not support a roof.
· The replacement or installation of screens.
· Installation of roll or batt insulation when installed within 1 ½ inch of an interior finish
· Replacement of exterior rain gutters and leaders.
· Replacement hose bib valves in single-family homes, replacement hose bib valves must have an atmospheric vacuum breaker.
· Refinishing of any plumbing fixtures. Relining of plumbing fixtures is not considered an ordinary repair.
· Repair of leaks by replacement of piping between two fittings only.
· Clearance of drain clogs.
· Replacement of faucets or working parts of faucets.
· Replacement of valves other than shower or combination bath/shower valves.
· Replacement of working parts of valves.
· Replacement of traps in single-family homes.
· Replacement of a toilet, bathroom sink or kitchen sink, provided no change in pipe arrangement is needed. Replacement toilets shall use a maximum of 1.6 gallons per flush.
· Replacement of existing domestic clothes washers or dishwashers.
· Replacement of any receptacle (outlet), switch, or lighting fixture rated at 20 amps or less and operating at less than 150 volts. Replacement of a receptacle in a location requiring a ground fault circuit interrupter by the electric code is not considered an ordinary repair and requires a permit.
· The installation of battery operated smoke detectors.
· Repair or replacement of heating or air-conditioning components; motors, pumps and fans of the same capacity; heating supply and return piping and radiation elements not requiring the rearrangement of the piping system; ductwork or control devices (thermostats).
· Replacement of kitchen range hoods in a single family home.
· Replacement of clothes dryers, stoves or ovens within dwelling units provided no change in fuel type, location or electrical characteristics is required.
If you are unsure whether you need a permit, please call the Building Dept. and we will be glad to assist you.
- My hot water heater broke on a Friday night, do I need to wait till Monday and get a permit before I have it replaced?
No. You are allowed to make emergency repairs and get a permit as soon as possible but not more than 72 hours later and have all required inspections.
- Can the Building Dept. Recommend a Contactor?
No we can not recommend a contractor. See our Choosing a Contactor page for tips on choosing the right contactor.
- Do I need a permit to re-roof my house?
Maybe. As of March 5, 2018 a roof permit is NOT required for the repair or replacement of a roof on DETACHED one and two family dwelling. All other buildings will require a permit.
- Do I need a permit to re-side my house?
Maybe. The repair or replacement of like material on a ONE and TWO family will not require a permit. Siding repair or replacement of like material on all other buildings is limited to 25% of the total building area before a permit is required. In ALL cases, the repair or replacement of polypropylene siding shall require a permit.
- Where can I get information on the Highlands Act?
You can get information on the "Highlands Act" from the NJDEP's Website. Information about local policies, procedures and form is avalible from the Planning Departments Highlands Act Info Page.
- What are the Building Department’s hours?
The office is open Monday through Friday, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm.
- When are inspections performed?
Building inspections are performed Monday through Friday between 10:00 am and 3:30 pm. Fire inspection are performed Monday, Wednesday and Friday between 10:00 am and 3:30 pm. Plumbing inspections are performed Monday, Wednesday and Friday between 7:30 am-3:00 pm. Electrical inspections are performed Monday between 12:30 pm and 4:30 pm and Friday between 9:30 am and 3:30 pm.
- Can I request a specific time for inspections?
No. Unfortunately due to the volume of inspections we cannot guarantee a specific time.
- What forms will I need for my permit application?
We use standard multi-part State application forms. They are available at the Building Department office at no charge.
- Can you fax me the forms?
No. The forms are multi-part carbon copy forms.
- Can I use forms from another town?
Yes. As long as they are the standard New Jersey State forms.
- Can I draw the construction drawings myself or do I need an architect?
Maybe. You can do your own drawings if they are for an owner occupied single family home. All other structures need to be drawn and sealed by an architect and/or engineer licensed in New Jersey.
- How many copies of the construction drawing do I need to submit with my application?
- What needs to be on the construction drawings?
- Occupant load
- Construction type.
- Use Group(s)
- Scale, 1/4 inch = 1 foot minimum, showing all dimensions.
- Code and Year used for the design.
- Floor plans of all levels with all rooms labeled.
- Location of smoke detectors.
- Elevations (front, sides, and rear) indicating window and door dimensions.
- Insulation R-values. ( An Energy Code Compliance Report must be included with your application for more information click here )
- Location of safety glazing.
- Manufacturer's design specifications for prefabricated fireplaces.
- Foundation plan.
- Footing details (minimum footing depth is 42").
- Structural framing plans of all levels accurately detailing all members.
- Structural details of connections.
- Typical wall section with sheathing thickness and type (special products or devices require a research or evaluation report).
- Roof framing plan.
- List of material specifications including, but not limited to: grade and species of lumber, concrete strength, and steel strength.
- List of design load criteria: live load, dead load, snow load, wind load, bearing capacity, and lateral earth pressure (for West Milford: ground snow load = 40 PSF and wind speed = 80 mph).
- Name of the person preparing the drawings.
- If plans are prepared by a registered design professional, both sets of plans must bear the original seal and signature.
- Truss Shop Drawings for pre-engineered floor or roof trusses.
- Plumbing fixture layout and riser diagram.
- Electrical plan.
- Occupant load
- How long will it take to get my permit after I make an application?
The Building Department has up to 20 business days to review your complete application after all prior approvals (Health Dept., Planning, Engineering, etc.) are met. Smaller projects like decks and sheds are generally done more quickly.
- Do I need a permit for a shed?
Maybe. Sheds 200 Sq. ft. and under do not require a building permit, they do require a Zoning Permit. Sheds over 200 sq. ft. require a building permit and a zoning permit and require a foundation. A guide detailing all the requirements for sheds is available, click here to download.
- Do I need a permit to put up a fence?
Yes and No. A building permit is not required for a fence unless it is barrier for a pool. A Zoning Permit is required for all fences. If you are replacing a fence around a pool, a building permit is required and it must meet the current code.
- When is a permit required for a pool?
A permit is required if any of the following is true about the pool:
· It is capable of holding water more than 24 inches in depth.
· It has more than 250 sq. ft of surface area.
· It has a recirculating filter.
Requirements for pools can be complicated; we have a guide available click here to download.
- I’m having replacement windows installed, do I need a permit?
Maybe. If the replacement window does not require the wall framing to be changed and does not change the original opening size a permit is not required. If the wall framing or original size are to be changed a permit would be required.
- Can the Building Department answer question about my well or septic system?
No. Wells and Septic are handled by the Heath Department please direct all questions to them, they will be glad to try to answer any of your questions. Thier phone number is 973-728-2720
- How are the fees for permits calculated?
Building permits for new structures and additions are base on a fee per cubic foot of volume. Building permits for alterations are based on a fee per dollar amount of the estimated cost of the work. Roofing, siding, pools and sheds have a flat fee. Electric, Plumbing and Fire permits are based on the number of fixtures or appliances being installed. See the Fee Schedule Overview for specific fees.
- My neighbor is doing work and I don’t think they have a permit can an inspector come check it out?
Yes. Call the building department with the Address and we’ll check to see if a permit has been issued, if not we’ll send an inspector out to investigate, but please note to be fair to everyone the inspector may note violations on other properties in the neighborhood, which may include your home.
- Are there certain hours that construction activities can take place?
Yes. Construction activities can be conducted 7:00 am to 6:00 pm on weekdays and 9:00 am to 6:00 pm on weekends. This ordinance is enforced by the Police Department.
- What codes are used in West Milford?
For a list of codes used CLICK HERE
- When is a permit required?
- Can I keep horses on my property?
Maybe. You need at least one acre of property to keep horses, with the exception of one acre lots in a subdivision of one acre lots, which is not allowed. You must provide a shelter for the horses. The shelter must have 100 sq. ft. per horse and the number of horses is based on the size of the shelter.
- Can I run a business from my home?
Maybe. West Milford zoning ordinance allows for two classes of home based businesses. The first being “Home Occupation” which would be Crafters, Electricians, Plumbers, Mail Order businesses etc.. The second being “Home Professional Offices” which would be Lawyers, Doctors, Architects, etc. “Home Occupation Businesses” may occupy up to 25% or 400 square feet of the home or accessory building. No more than one person other than family members residing at the home may be engaged in the “Home Occupation”. “Home Professional Offices” may occupy up to 50% or 800 square feet of the home or accessory building. No more than two persons other than family members residing at the home may be engaged in the “Home Professional Offices”. The following apply to both classes of businesses. No traffic or parking in excess of three cars in addition to the cars of the normal residents of the home shall be generated. No deliveries shall be made in a vehicle larger than a standard UPS or Postal vehicle. The business shall not produce any dangerous, injurious, noxious or otherwise objectionable fire, explosion or other hazard; noise or vibration, smoke, dust, odor, or other form of air pollution; heat, cold or dampness; electromagnetic or other disturbance; glare; liquid or solid refuse or other wastes; or objectionable substance, condition or element. Commercial vehicles used in connection with the home business shall be parked off street and out of the general public view.
- Are there any restrictions on fences?
Yes. The maximum height of a fence is 4 feet in your front yard and 6 feet in your side or rear yard. Please be aware that if your house faces more than one street you have more than one front yard. The good side of the fence must face out. There is no setback for fences but we recommend that you keep it back from the property line so that you may maintain your fence without trespassing on your neighbor’s property. Fences cannot be topped with barbed wire or razor wire. Houses on corners may not install a fence in the “sight triangle” that would obscure the view of motorist approaching an intersection. A Zoning Permit is required prior to installing a fence, be sure to bring a copy of your property survey.
- Can I keep horses on my property?
- What is the Open Public Records Act(OPRA)?
The Open Public Records Act or OPRA is a state law designed to increase the public's ability to view and obtain copies of government records maintained by public agencies within the State. It also sets the procedure for the public to register a complaint when a request for the access to government records is denied.
A "government record" is defined as a physical record that has been generated, maintained, or received by a public agency in the course of official business.
More information about OPRA can be obtained from the Government Records Council online at www.nj.gov/grc, or by mail at PO Box 819, Trenton, NJ 08625, via a toll-free hotline:866-850-0511, or via email at: [email protected]
- What is the Open Public Records Act(OPRA)?
- What Documents are needed to register for Bubbling Springs and Day Camp ?
Proof of residency: Drivers license, tax bill, utility bill/phone bill
Birth Certificate: all children being registered (baptismal certificate is accepted if date of birth is included). - When is the due date for a field permit?
The due date is January 1.
- What Documents are needed to register for Bubbling Springs and Day Camp ?
- What should I do before a hurricane occurs?
Before a Hurricane
To prepare for a hurricane, you should take the following measures:
- To begin preparing, you should build an emergency kit and make a family communications plan.
- Know your surroundings.
- Learn the elevation level of your property and whether the land is flood-prone. This will help you know how your property will be affected when storm surge or tidal flooding are forecasted.
- Identify levees and dams in your area and determine whether they pose a hazard to you.
- Learn community hurricane evacuation routes and how to find higher ground. Determine where you would go and how you would get there if you needed to evacuate.
- Make plans to secure your property:
- Cover all of your home’s windows. Permanent storm shutters offer the best protection for windows. A second option is to board up windows with 5/8” marine plywood, cut to fit and ready to install. Tape does not prevent windows from breaking.
- Install straps or additional clips to securely fasten your roof to the frame structure. This will reduce roof damage.
- Be sure trees and shrubs around your home are well trimmed so they are more wind resistant.
- Clear loose and clogged rain gutters and downspouts.
- Reinforce your garage doors; if wind enters a garage it can cause dangerous and expensive structural damage.
- Plan to bring in all outdoor furniture, decorations, garbage cans and anything else that is not tied down.
- Determine how and where to secure your boat.
- Install a generator for emergencies.
- If in a high-rise building, be prepared to take shelter on or below the 10th floor.
- Consider building a safe room.
Hurricanes cause heavy rains that can cause extensive flood damage in coastal and inland areas. Everyone is at risk and should consider flood insurance protection. Flood insurance is the only way to financially protect your property or business from flood damage.
- What steps should I take during a hurricane?
During a Hurricane
If a hurricane is likely in your area, you should:
- Listen to the radio or TV for information.
- Secure your home, close storm shutters and secure outdoor objects or bring them indoors.
- Turn off utilities if instructed to do so. Otherwise, turn the refrigerator thermostat to its coldest setting and keep its doors closed.
- Turn off propane tanks
- Avoid using the phone, except for serious emergencies.
- Moor your boat if time permits.
- Ensure a supply of water for sanitary purpose such as cleaning and flushing toilets. Fill the bathtub and other larger containers with water.
- Find out how to keep food safe during and after and emergency.
You should evacuate under the following conditions:
If you are directed by local authorities to do so. Be sure to follow their instructions.
- If you live in a mobile home or temporary structure – such shelter are particularly hazardous during hurricane no matter how well fastened to the ground.
- If you live in a high-rise building – hurricane winds are stronger at higher elevations.
- If you live on the coast, on a floodplain, near a river, or on an island waterway.
Read more about evacuating yourself and your family. If you are unable to evacuate, go to your wind-safe room. If you do not have one, follow these guidelines:
- Stay indoors during the hurricane and away from windows and glass doors.
- Close all interior doors – secure and brace external doors.
- Keep curtains and blinds closed. Do not be fooled if there is a lull; it could be the eye of the storm – winds will pick up again.
- Take refuge in a small interior room, closet or hallway on the lowest level.
- Lie on the floor under a table or another sturdy object.
- Avoid elevators.
- What are some important things to consider after a hurricane?
After a Hurricane
- Continue listening to a NOAA Weather Radio or the local news for the latest updates.
- Stay alert for extended rainfall and subsequent flooding even after the hurricane or tropical storm has ended.
- If you have become separated from your family, use your family communications plan or contact FEMA or the American Red Cross.
- FEMA has established the National Emergency Family Registry and Locator System (NEFRLS), which has been developed to help reunite families who are separated during a disaster. The NEFRLS system will enable displaced individuals the ability to enter personal information into a website database so that they can be located by others during a disaster.
- The American Red Cross also maintains a database to help you find family. Contact the local American Red Cross chapter where you are staying for information. Do not contact the chapter in the disaster area.
- If you evacuated, return home only when officials say it is safe.
- If you cannot return home and have immediate housing needs. Text SHELTER + your ZIP code to 43362 (4FEMA) to find the nearest shelter in your area (example: shelter 12345).
- For those who have longer-term housing needs, FEMA offers several types of assistance, including services and grants to help people repair their homes and find replacement housing. Apply for assistance or search for information about housing rental resources
- Drive only if necessary and avoid flooded roads and washed¬ out bridges. Stay off the streets. If you must go out watch for fallen objects; downed electrical wires; and weakened walls, bridges, roads, and sidewalks.
- Keep away from loose or dangling power lines and report them immediately to the power company.
- Walk carefully around the outside your home and check for loose power lines, gas leaks and structural damage before entering.
- Stay out of any building if you smell gas, floodwaters remain around the building or your home was damaged by fire and the authorities have not declared it safe.
- Inspect your home for damage. Take pictures of damage, both of the building and its contents, for insurance purposes. If you have any doubts about safety, have your residence inspected by a qualified building inspector or structural engineer before entering.
- Use battery-powered flashlights in the dark. Do NOT use candles. Note: The flashlight should be turned on outside before entering - the battery may produce a spark that could ignite leaking gas, if present.
- Watch your pets closely and keep them under your direct control. Watch out for wild animals, especially poisonous snakes. Use a stick to poke through debris.
- Avoid drinking or preparing food with tap water until you are sure it’s not contaminated.
- Check refrigerated food for spoilage. If in doubt, throw it out.
- Wear protective clothing and be cautious when cleaning up to avoid injury.
- Use the telephone only for emergency calls.
- NEVER use a generator inside homes, garages, crawlspaces, sheds, or similar areas, even when using fans or opening doors and windows for ventilation. Deadly levels of carbon monoxide can quickly build up in these areas and can linger for hours, even after the generator has shut off.
- What should I do before a hurricane occurs?
- How can I get a map of my property?
The Engineering Division is the storage facility for many different types of West Milford maps. We have tax maps, filed maps, flood maps, street maps, site plans, aerial topography and historic maps. Not all types of maps are available for all properties but you are welcome to visit our office to review the documents. Most map copies can be made for $5.00, while you wait. We are located at 30 Lycosky Drive, across from the Recycling Center.
- I'd like to pave, widen or add a new driveway. Are any permits required?
A Right-of-Way Entry Permit is required for most work performed within a Township right-of-way, including but not limited to paving, widening or adding a new driveway. Certain driveway work may be exempt from the Right-of-Way Entry Permit and major excavation could trigger other permits, so contact the Engineering Division or applicable Township offices to confirm prior to starting work. Please take care to insure that all construction will take place on your property and not to direct run-off onto your neighbor. Applications for a Right-of-Way Entry Permit may be obtained at the Clerk's Office.
- I'm planning a landscaping project. Are any permits required?
Lot Development Plan approval supercedes the requirements of individual site permits. However, if your project does not include a Lot Development Plan, one of the following permits may be required. Trees less than 4" diameter are considered brush and no permit is required. If you intend to remove larger trees, the limit is 5 trees per acre per year, or you will need a Tree Removal Permit / Forest Management Plan. The disturbance, addition or subtraction of more than 100 cubic yards of material but less than 500 cubic yards will require a Minor Soil Permit through the Engineering Division for $100. Soil operations greater than 500 cubic yards require a Major Soil Permit that will include a Site Plan and Planning Board approval.
- The bank has informed me that I must purchase flood insurance. Is this correct?
Federal law requires the bank to have all loans covered by flood insurance, where applicable. The Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM's) are available for inspection at www.fema.gov. If you feel that your property has been incorrectly designated as flood, you should contact the bank for the process necessary for relief.
- What is GIS?
GIS is an acronym that stands for Geographic Information Systems. By entering different types of information that have a geographic location (i.e. roads, zoning districts, fire hydrants, aerial photography, topography, etc.) into a computer, one can then choose to overlay a variety of that information to see their relationship. Maps can then be made with better information leading to better decision-making.
- When is my road scheduled for repaving?
Since the inception of West Milford's Pavement Management Program in 2002, nearly 400 roads / sections of roads have been inspected and added to the "Road Rating List". Since then, 190 roads / sections of roads have been resurfaced. Roads / sections of roads not resurfaced are re-rated every 3 years. Roads are generally resurfaced in "worst first" order. There are approximately 500 paved Township owned roads in West Milford, totaling 150 miles. The amount of road resurfacing each year is dependent upon the amount of local funding, grant funding and Passaic County road resurfacing. There are an additional 35 miles of paved County owned roads within West Milford. If you would like to know where your road ranks, please contact us. If your road is not on the list, we will inspect it, rate it and add it to the list.
- How can I get a map of my property?
- I am selling or renting my home what is required
The New Jersey Uniform Fire Code requires a Certificate of Smoke Alarm, Carbon Monoxide Alarm, and Fire Extinguisher is issued prior to change of ownership or occupancy. These inspections can be scheduled by calling the Fire Bureau at 973-728-2840
- What days are residential fire inspections performed?
Residential fire inspections are performed on Wednesdays between 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
- I am selling or renting my home what is required
- How can I resolve gypsy moth infestation?
The following links will help to answer questions regarding Gypsy Moth around the home.
Homeowner’s Guide to Gypsy Moth Management
- What is a septic system?
Wherever running water is supplied to a house or other structure, there must be a sanitary way to remove the used water.
Where public or central sewage treatment works are not provided, sewage treatment becmes a do-it-yourself operation for the homeowner, who must give careful consideration to collecting, removing, treating and disposing of sewage right on the property where it originates. In other words: an "onsite"septic system.
The most commons system of "on site" sewage treatment and disposal for a private home in a rural or suburban area consists of a septic tank, which provides a place for large solids to stettle and be decomposed by microorganisms, and a drainfield where fine solids are removed and accompanying bacteria are destroyed. - How does a septic tank work?
A septic tank is a storage tank where sewage is digested by bacteria. There are three levels in the tank: sludge, liquid and scum. Sludge, the bottom layer consists of undigestible matter and heavy solids that will not float. The top layer is a scum that contains grease and lightweight solids that float. In between the sludge and the scum is the critically active liquid layer that contains water and dissolved materials, such as sugar, detergent and small amounts of suspended solids.
Solids and scum are digested or decomposed in the tank by bactria that are active in the absence of oxygen (anaerobic bacteria). This process turns up to 50 percent of the solids and scum into liquid and gas. The liquid is carrried out into the drainfield, and undigestible solids remain in the tank as sludge. - How does the drainfield work?
Each time raw-sewage enters the septic tank, an equal amount of fluid is forced out of the tank. The fluid leaving the tank is called effluent. This effluent may still contain disease organisms. Small amounts of solid matter remaining in the effluent may also move out of the tank to the drainfield. In the drainfield, the effluent trickles into the soil, where further digestion is carried on by bacteria,and nutrients are absorbed by the soil particles.
- Who are the Registered and State Licensed Septic Sludge Removal Opeators
Only Registered Septic Sludge Removers have permits provided to them by the Health Department. Please contact the office at 973-728-2720 for a current list of licensed contractors.
- Where can I find specific information on mosquito adulticiding in Passaic County and how will I be notified of the adulticiding?
Passaic County Mosquito Control complies with current state regulations regarding newspaper publishing of pertinent information in two newspapers. The newspapers designated by Freeholder resolution for Passaic County are "The Record" and the "Herald News".
When mosquito adulticiding is scheduled in Passaic County, control sites and spray dates are listed on the County website:
https://www.passaiccountynj.org/mosquito ,
and in a recorded message on our telephone Hotline: 973-305-5759.
- What can the general public do to reduce mosquito incidence?
Since mosquitoes breed in standing water, elimination of aquatic breeding sites will result in decreased mosquito population. Anything capable of holding water for four days or longer should be considered a potential mosquito habitat. Examples of artificial containers that can breed mosquitoes are: plastic wading pools, cans, recycling containers, bird baths, ornamental pools, tarps, toys, clogged roof gutters, and tires. Passaic County Mosquito Control can offer control advice for specific situations. Individual municipalitites can offer their residents advice on tire recycling.
- What is west nile virus (WNV)?
West Nile Virus is a mosquito-borne disease that can be transmitted by the bite of an infected mosquito. Mosquitoes become infected by feeding on birds that have the virus.
- What do I need to know about mosquito season?
The New Jersey Dept of Environmental Protection (DEP) urges residents to take common sense precautions to reduce the risk of contracting mosquito-borne viruses such as West Nile and Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE). Once again the DEP this year will cooperate with the state Departments of Health and Senior Services, and Agriculture, as well as Rutgers University and the 21 County Mosquito Agencies.
Interested members of the public can find out from their county agency the schedules for any spraying that is performed as a last resort to control adult, flying mosquitoes. To learn more about mosquito control visit the DEP website at: www.nj.gov/dep/mosquito.
- Are humans the only ones that can become infected with WNV?
No, mosquitoes infected with the virus can transmit it through a bite to birds, horses, and other mammals, (crows, squirrels, sheep, ducks and chickens).
- Can I get WNV from animals or other people?
No, WNV is not transmitted in this way. WNV is transmitted through a bite from an infectd mosquito.
- Want more information regarding WNV?
Visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Control (CDC) website at https://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/dvbid/westnile/index.htm or www.lymenet.org.
- I was bitten by a tick and I still have it. Where can I take it to be tested?
While routine tick testing is not generally recommended, ticks can be submitted for laboratory analysis to identify their species, if alive, determine whether they carry certain disease-causing orginisms, such as those related to Lyme Disease. Such knowledge may assist physicians in deciding how best to manage patients, who have had tick exposures. It should be remembered, however, that prolonged tick attachment (24-48 hours) is generally required for transmission to occur. Tick testing can also provide useful information to homeowners seeking to assess the Lyme Disease risks around their property and whether, for instance, chemical control measures should be considered.
To submit the tick to the NJ Dept. of Health and Senior Services:
- Place the tick in a test tube or other airtight container (eg. pill jar, film container, baby food jar)
- Add a moistened piece of paper towel, paper napkin, or cotton.
- If submission is not immediate, refrigerate tick until submission (no longer than 24-48 hours)
- Label tick container with your name and fill out a form available at this time from the West Milford Health Dept.
Mailing Information:
Mail $25.00 check or money order, payable to NJ Dept.of Health and Senor Services
Specimen Receiving & Distribution Unit
NJ Dept. of Health & Senior Services
Public Health & Environmental Labs
CN 361
Trenton, NJ 08625-0361
Put "Market Street" as address if using delivery service-UPS, Fed Ex, etc.
For further information call: Special Immunology Testing Unit 609-292-5819
You can mail the tick to one of several other reliable tick testing centers. Below is a list of several centers in the country. You need to contact each one regarding price, response time, and proper procedure for mailing. Some centers can not test if alcohol is used. Others requie it before mailing.
Other Tick Testing Centers:
New Jersey Laboratories
1110 Somerset St.
New Brunswick, NJ 08901
Palo alto, California
Tick Research Laboratory
Kingston, Rhode Island
Lyme Disease is the most commonly reported tick-borne disease in the United States.
For a guide to Understanding and Preventing Transmission, contact the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services.
The NJ Department of Health Lyme Disease Hotline is 1-800-792-8831.
The website is www.lymenet.org for further information.Free Tick Testing is available at the Bay Area Lyme Foundation which will provide individuals with free, timely informaiton as to whether a tick they have encountered is an infected or uninfected tick. Contact www.bayarealyme.org/lyme-disease-prevention/tick-testing/ for more information.
- What is the Fertilizer Ordinance & Do you have a list of Applicators?
West Milford Township has a fertilizer application ordinance that took effect April 17, 2007 (see Code of the Township of West Milford Chapter 138: Fertilizers, Application of). The purpose of the ordinance is to decrease the amount of phosphorous in the township waterways by limiting the use of fertilizers containing phosphorous. “Phosphorous fertilizer” means any fertilizer that contains phosphorous expressed as P2O5 with a guaranteed analysis of greater than zero.
The ordinance prohibits the following conduct:
- Applying phosphorous fertilizer in outdoor areas except where demonstrated to be necessary by a soils test.
- Depositing leaves or other vegetative material on roads or within any lake or storm water drainage system.
- Applying any fertilizer within ten (10) feet of any wetland or body of water, lake, stream, pond, storm drainage system or watercourse.
- Application of phosphorous fertilizer needed for the establishing of vegetation for the first time, such as after land disturbance.
- Application of phosphorous fertilizer needed for the re-establishing or repair of a turf area.
- Application of phosphorous fertilizer that delivers liquid or granular fertilizer under the soil’s surface, directly to the feeder roots.
- Application of phosphorous fertilizer to residential container plantings, flowerbeds, or vegetable gardens.
The ordinance also requires that anyone in the business of fertilizer application within the Township to obtain a “Commercial Fertilizer License” from the West Milford Department of Health.
Violators shall be subject to a fine up to $2000.00 however; a written warning shall be issued for a first offense in the case of a property owner.
Township of West Milford
Department of Health
1480 Union Valley Road
West Milford, NJ 07480
(973) 728-2720 Fax: (973) 728-2847
2010 Licensed Commercial Fertilizer Applicators updated 7/23/10
CLC Landscape Design, Inc. Creative Design Landscaping West Milford, LLC
58 Ringwood Avenue 1614-O Union Valley Road, #175
Ringwood, NJ 07456 West Milford, NJ 07480
973-839-6026 973-208-3000
Eco-Lawn Greco Landscaping & Lawn Maintenance
P.O. Box 123 P.O. Box 388
Butler, NJ 07405 Sparta, NJ 07871
973-476-1057 973-209-4306
Happy Lawns Harvest Lawn Care
P.O. Box 34 P.O. Box 643
Oak Ridge, NJ 07438 Franklin Lakes, NJ 07417
973-697-4708 973-569-9310
Lawn Doctor Lawn Doctor
10 Park Place 51 Willow Street
Butler, NJ 07405 Washington, NJ 07882
973-492-9110 908-835-8700
Royal Lawns of NJ, LLC
P.O. Box 650
Flanders, NJ 07836
TruGreen Lawncare TruGreen LP/Service Master
118 Route 17 North 9 Middlebury Boulevard
Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 Randolph, NJ 07869
201-258-3500 973-306-3610
- What is the latest information regarding drought in West Milford?
Latest Update from the NJ Department of Environmental Protection:
The drought status by the NJ Department of Environment Protection indicates no current resrictions or exemptions in our area at this time. However, residents are strongly encouraged to conserve water.
A typical resident uses about 110 gallons of water per day. About 60% of that water is used in the bathroom. Home management ideas to conserve water are as follows:
In the bathroom:
*Install a new low-flow toilet. New units give a complete flush with only 1 1/2 gallons per flush.
*Repair leaky faucets and toilets.
*Flush toilets less often. In many cases, the toilet can be used several times for liquid waste before flushing.
*Take showers, instead of tub baths. Showers use less water then tubs (about 5 gallons per inch per tub).
*Take shorter showers.
*Install low-flush shower heads, hand held showers with pause-control, and temperature balance valve controls.
*Shut off water in the shower whle lathering and shampooing.
*Shut off water while shaving and brushing teeth (save up to 5 gallons per minute).
In the Kitchen:
*Install low-faucets.
*Repair leaky faucets.
*Keep a pitcher of drinking water in the refrigerator instead of running water.
*When using drinking water treatment devices, be sure there is a shut-off valve, so the system does not run continuously when the reservoir is full.
In the Laundry and utility room:
*Select a front-loading washing machine that uses 40% less water.
*Wash only full loads. Adjust load level settings for small loads.
*Recharge the water softener as infrequently as possible to reduce water use.
More information can be found at www.njdrought.org or by calling the NJ Drought Hotline: 1-800-448-4-ITS DRY (1-800-448-7379). - Which pesticides are utilized?
The State University of New Jersey, Rutgers University, is the official body charged with recommending "Insecticides for Mosquito Control in New Jersey." Passaic County Mosquito Control now utilizes two pesticide formulations: the first contains the active ingredient malathion, and the second contains the synthetic pyrethroids Prallethrin and Sumithrin and a synergist piperonyl butoxide. Both malathion formulations and pyrethroid/piperonyl butoxide combinations are recommended for adulticiding in the Rutgers recommendations. These pesticides are registered for mosquito adulticiding by both the federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (DEP). The brand name of the first pesiticide currently used is "Fyfanon ULV". The brand name of the second pesticide currently used is "Duet-Dual Action adulticide". All personnel applying pesticides are licensed by the NJ Department of Environmental Protection.
- How can exposure to mosquito adulticides be reduced?
General advice when mosquito adulticiding is scheduled includes: closing windows, shutting off inward blowing fans and air conditioners, sheltering pets for their comfort, suspending outdoor activities during the treatment, and removing clothes from outdoor clotheslines. Also bring children's toys inside. If desired, other items left outside can be rinsed with soap and water.
- What are the possible acute (short-term) health effects that may occur immediately or shortly after exposure to malathion?
Contact may possibly irritate eyes and the respiratory tract and in severe cases may cause headaches, sweating, nausea, and vomiting. Consult your physician for any health evaluations. Generally, community residents are at a much lower risk than mosquito control workers since the likelihood of becoming sick from chemicals is increased as the amount of exposure increases. This is determined by the length of time and the amount of material to which someone is exposed. The New Jersey Poison Information and Education System (NJPIES) phone numbe is 1-800-222-1222.
- Where can more information be obtained?
General information can be obtained and requests for service can be reported by phoning Passaic County Mosquito Control at 973-305-754. There is voice mail at that number so that messages may be left. For additional information, access the following websites:
- What are the possible acute (short-term) health effects that may occur immediately or shortly after exposure to pyrethroids/piperonyl butoxide?
Symptoms of over-exposure can include irritation to skin and eyes, respiratory and nasal irritation, irritability to sound or touch, abnormal facial sensation, sensation of prickling, tingling or creeping of skin, numbness, headache, dizziness, nausaea, vomiting, diarrhea, excessive salivation, and fatigue. The chance of experiencing these symptoms of over-exposure with proper use is low. You should contact your physician, other medical providers, or the New Jersey Poison Information and Education System (NJPIES) at 1-800-222-1222 if you experience these symptoms following a pesticide spraying.
- How is Adulticiding done?
The technique of ULV (ultra low volume) spraying is employed using properly calibrated and serviced truck and/or all-terrain vehicle (ATV) mounted equipment under label mandated and state recommended conditions.
- Why does Passaic County Mosquito Control perform adult mosquito control (adulticiding)?
Passaic County Mosquito Control employs an Integrate Pest management (IPM) or Integrated Mosquito Management (IMM) approach to control mosquitoes. Education, source reduction, water management, stocking of mosquito-eating fish, and mosquito larval control are all utilized in an attempt to control mosquitoes before they reach the adult mosquito stage. Even though control of mosquitoes is generally most efficiently accomplished in the immature stages, conditions may sometimes necessitate the use of adulticides (adult mosquito control pesticides). Adult mosquito control is, and always was, a small portion of our entire mosquito control procedure and is the last resort of our program after all other methods have been attempted.
- What's in the New Septic Code?
Environment Health is dealing with new codes, lake sensitive properties and new technology. The following reasons for why lake properties are so sensitive is because of 1) small lots are close together, there is standard high water table (SHWT) with slow draining soils, adjacent wells, flood hazard areas and freshwater wetlands, 2) they need special NJ DEP permits or a Flood Hazard Areas and Freshwater Wetlands approval, 3) anything within 300’ of a lake in West Milford, must seek special attention/approvals, and 4) Individual Lake Property Owner’s Associations must be contacted when there is any work near the lake communities.
What’s New in the Code?- If you take down your house entirely (and this is not just for lake communities), a new septic system that meets code 100% is required. Even if you do a major renovation, this also means you must upgrade your septic entirely to meet code. If your septic does not meet code entirely, then a Treatment Works Approval (TWA) from the NJ DEP is required. If your septic system was installed after 1996, the NJ DEP will make a determination if is acceptable or not.
- There are hardships, which include fire and flood.
- Effluent septic filters are required on all newly installed septic tanks.
- Suitable fill material is required for newly installed septic systems.
- Septic tank testing (hydraulic or pressure) is required for all new and existing septic and pump tanks that are installed after April 2, 2012.
- Advanced wastewater treatment is required if you cannot meet the 4’ Zone of Treatment requirement for any septic alteration. This is applicable to a very large portion of West Milford.
What’s New in Technology?- Effluent Filters for Outlet Baffles of Septic Tanks.
- Eco-Pods/Septic Tech for inside Septic Tank Treatment.
- Peat Fiber Biofilter Wastewatetr Treatment.
- Drip Dispersal Systems.
- What is a Scoping Meeting for Gypsy Moths?
The New Jersey Department of Agriculture, in cooperation with the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, has scheduled a Gypsy Moth Scoping Meeting for Tuesday, January 7, 2015 from 9 am to 12 Noon in the Board Room of the Health and Agriculture Building.
A Health Department representative will be attending the meeting and then updating the County after information is obtained from the meeting.
The Scoping Meeting is an informational session designed to identify significant issues as they pertain to the proposed spraying of approximately 498 acres of residential and County and municipality properties in Hunterdon, Morris and Passaic Counties. All treatments will be conducted using aircraft spraying the biological insecticide Bacillus thuringiensis.
The purpose of the meetingis to invite the public and othe affeced agencies to discuss new issues and information that have developed during the past year relating to the social economic and biological effects not previously discussed in prior Environmental Impact Statements.
- How can I resolve gypsy moth infestation?
- What's In Your Medicine Cabinet?
What’s in your Medicine Cabinet? Prescription drug abuse can happen right at home. Teens are more likely to have abused prescription medications such as Vicodyn, Oxycntin, and Xanax than to have tried illicit drugs including cocaine and ecstasy. It has become increasingly prevalent among adolescents and young adults where most children start experimenting at the age of 12.
According to Steven M. Marcus, MD, Pediatrician, Medical Toxicologist and Medical Director of NJPIES, the use of OTC cough and cold preparations by adolescents in search of a “cheap and legal high” has reached near epidemic proportions”. Dr. Marcus stated that over the past 8 years, New Jersey has experienced a steady increase in unintentional poisoning deaths. Currently, the number of deaths related to unintentional poisonings exceeds those of homicides and are quickly approaching the death rates associated with motor vehicle accidents in the state.
The poison center has launched a study group charged with addressing the issues of unintentional deaths related to poisonings. Parents, teachers, young adults and teens should educate themselves on the serious and life-threatening consequences of abusing prescriptions and over-the-counter medicines. Everyone should be aware that sharing your prescription with someone else could threaten his or her lives as well.
Help is only a phone call away. For more information regarding drugs of abuse, call the Poison control Center at 1-800-222-1222. Services are free and confidential. The hotline is accessible 24 hours per day, 7 days a week. Hearing impaired may call 973-926-8008.
- What's In Your Medicine Cabinet?
- What services does the township offer children with no medical coverage?
The Well-Child clinic is held once a month at the Nurse's office at the West Milford Town Hall via appointment only. Childhood vaccinations are available for families without health insurance or with NJ Family Care Part A. Please call the Nursing Division of the Health Department to schedule an appointment. The nurses can be reached at 973-728-2720 Monday through Friday from 9:30 AM to 3:30 PM.
- What is Melanoma Skin Cancer?
What is Melanoma Skin Cancer? Melanoma is a cancer that starts as a certain type of skin cell. To understand melanoma, it helps to know a little about the skin. Normal Skin is the largest organ in the body. It does many different things. It covers and protects the organs inside the body, helps to keep out germs, helps keep in water and other fluids, helps control body temperature, sends messages to the brain about heat, cold, touch and pain.
The skin has 3 layers. Form the outside in, they are epidermis, dermis, subcutis. The top layer of skin, the epidermis, is very thin and protects the deeper layers of skin and the organs, The epidermis itself has 3 layers. The bottom layer is made up of basal cells. These basal cells divide from keratinocytes, which make a protein called keratin. This protein helps the skin protect the body. The outermost part of the epidermis is called the stratum corneum, or horny layer. It is made of dead keratinoycytes that are shed as new ones form. The cells in this layer are called squamous cells.
Another type of cell, the melanocyte, is also foundint he epidermis. These cells make the brown pigment called malanin. Melanin makes skin tan or brown and protects the deeper layers of the skin from some of the harmful effects of the sun. Melanocytes are the cells that can become melanoma.
A layer called the basement membrane separates the epidermis from the deeper layers of skin. The basement membrane is important because when a cancer becomes more advanced it grows through this barrier.
Melanoma skin cancers:
Melanoma is a cancer that begins in the melanocytes. Because most of these cells still make melanin, melanoma tumors are often brown or black. But this is not always the case, the melanomas can also hve no color. Melanoma most often starts on the trunk (chest or back) in men and the legs of women, but it can start in other places, too. Having dark skin lowers the risk of melanoma. But it does not mean that a person with dark skin will never get melanoma.
Other skin cancers:
Skin cancers that are not melanoma are sometimes grouped together as non-melanoma skin cancers because they start in skin cells other than mlanocytes. These cancers include basal and squamous cell cancers. They are much more common than melanoma. Because they rarely spread, basal cell and squamous cell skin cancers are less worrisome and are treated differently than melanoma.
Skin tumors that are not cancerous:
Most skin tumors are not cancer (they are benign). These rarely, if ever, turn into cancer.
Some of them include:
Seborrheic keratoses - tan, brown, or black raised spots with "waxy" texture, or rough surface
Hemangiomas - benign blood vessel growths often called strawberry spots or port wine stains.
Lipomas - soft growths of benign fat cells
Warts - rough-surfaced growths caused by a virus
Moles (also called nevi) - benign skin tumors that start from melanocytes
Spitz nevus - a kind of skin tumor that somethimes looks a lot like melanoma
Last revised: 3/29/2010 www.cancer.org - Enterovirus-D68
Perhaps you've heard recently about a virus that is especially affecting children. It is called Enterovirus-D-68. Enteroviruses are very common viruses. In the United States, people are more likely to get infected during the summer and fall.
We are currently in the middle of the enterovirus season. Infants, children, and teenages are most likely to get infected with enteroviruses and become sick because they do not have immunity from pervious exposure to the virus. Symptoms may include fever, runny nose, sneezing, cough, body and muscle aches. Severe symptoms may iclude difficulty breathing and wheezing. those with asthma may experiience worsening asthma.
Adults can also get it, but they are more likely to have no symptoms or mild symptoms. Here's how to protect yourself and your family:
* Wash hands often with soap and water for 20 seconds especially after changing diapers
* Hand sanitzer is NOT effective against Enterovirus-D-68
* Avoid touchng eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands
* Avoid kissing, hugging, and sharing cups or eating utensils with people who are
* Disinfect frequently touched surfaces, such as toys and doorknobs, and toilet handles, especially if someone is sick
Please call the Health Department at 973-728-2725 for more information.
See also attached a link from NJ Dept of Health which will give updates on Ebola https://www.state.nj.us/health/cd/vhf/index.shtml
October 9, 2014
- Ebola - line of defense
" Knowledge is the best line of defense", the West Milford Health Department believes storngly in this statement. We would like to educate the community on with the facts on Ebola.
Ebola is a severe, often fatal disease that can occur in humans and some animals, caused by a viral infection. Ebola is spread with direct contact with the blood or body fluids of an infected, symptomatic person. It can also be spread through exposure to objects (such as needles) that have been contaminated with infected secretions. Ebola is NOT transmitted through the air, food or water. During outbreaks of Ebola, those at highest risk include health care workers and the family and friends of the infected person.
The symptoms of Ebola include:
Joint & muscle aches
Stomach pain
Lack of apetite
Red eyes
Difficulty breathing adn swallowing
Bleeding inside and outside the body
Symptoms can appear somewhere from 20 to 21 days after exposure to the virus, but it should be noted that 8 to 10 days is most common. If symptoms start later than 21 days after exposure, the patient likely does not have Ebola. - How do I keep my Kidneys healthy?
March is National Kidney Health Month – How to Keep Your Kidneys Healthy
The kidneys are two bean-shaped organs, each about the size of a fist. They are located just below the rib cage, one on each side of the spine. Every day, the two kidneys filter about 120 to 150 quarts of blood to produce about 1 to 2 quarts of urine, composed of wastes and extra fluid. The urine flows from the kidneys to the bladder through two thin tubes of muscle called ureters, one on each side of the bladder. The bladder stores urine. The muscles of the bladder wall remain relaxed while the bladder fills with urine. As the bladder fills to capacity, signals sent to the brain tell a person to find a toilet soon. When the bladder empties, urine flows out of the body through a tube called the urethra, located at the bottom of the bladder. In men the urethra is long, while in women it is short.
Why are the kidneys important?
The kidneys are important because they keep the makeup of the blood stable, which lets the body function. They
prevent the buildup of wastes and extra fluid in the body
keep sodium, potassium, and phosphate levels stable
They also make hormones that help:
regulate blood pressure
make red blood cells
bones stay strong
How do the kidneys work?
The kidney is not one large filter. Each kidney is made up of about a million filtering units called nephrons. Each nephron filters a small amount of blood. The nephron includes a filter, called the glomerulus, and a tubule. The nephrons work through a two-step process. The glomerulus lets fluid and waste products pass through it; however, it prevents blood cells and large molecules, mostly proteins, from passing. The filtered fluid then passes through the tubule, which sends needed minerals back to the bloodstream and removes wastes. The final product becomes urine.
Information from: https://kidney.niddk.nih.gov/kudiseases/pubs/yourkidneys/
The steps you take to keep your kidneys healthy help the rest of your body too. Talk to your health care provider to find out the steps that are right for you.
If you are at risk for kidney disease, the most important steps you can take to keep your kidneys healthy are:- < >Get your blood and urine checked for kidney disease.< >Manage your diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease.< >Keep your blood pressure at the target set by your health care provider. For most people, the blood pressure target is less than 140/90 mm Hg. This can delay or prevent kidney failure.< >If you have diabetes, control your blood glucose level.< >Keep your cholesterol levels in the target range.< >Take medicines the way your provider tells you to. (Important! Certain blood pressure medicines called ACE inhibitors and ARBs may protect your kidneys. Ask your health care provider for more information.)< >Cut back on salt. Aim for less than 2,300 milligrams of sodium each day.< >Choose foods that are healthy for your heart: fresh fruits, fresh or frozen vegetables, whole grains, and low-fat dairy foods.< >Limit your alcohol intake.< >Be more physically active.< >Lose weight if you are overweight.< >If you smoke, take steps to quit. Cigarette smoking can make kidney damage worse.http://nkdep.nih.gov/learn/keep-kidneys-healthy.shtml
Some people are also at risk for developing certain diseases of the kidney. For more information on risk factors, please see: The National Kidney Foundation
- < >Get your blood and urine checked for kidney disease.< >Manage your diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease.< >Keep your blood pressure at the target set by your health care provider. For most people, the blood pressure target is less than 140/90 mm Hg. This can delay or prevent kidney failure.< >If you have diabetes, control your blood glucose level.< >Keep your cholesterol levels in the target range.< >Take medicines the way your provider tells you to. (Important! Certain blood pressure medicines called ACE inhibitors and ARBs may protect your kidneys. Ask your health care provider for more information.)< >Cut back on salt. Aim for less than 2,300 milligrams of sodium each day.< >Choose foods that are healthy for your heart: fresh fruits, fresh or frozen vegetables, whole grains, and low-fat dairy foods.< >Limit your alcohol intake.< >Be more physically active.< >Lose weight if you are overweight.< >If you smoke, take steps to quit. Cigarette smoking can make kidney damage worse.http://nkdep.nih.gov/learn/keep-kidneys-healthy.shtml
- What services does the township offer children with no medical coverage?
- What are the Benefits of Historic Preservation?
Preserving existing structures maintains the unique character and fabric of the community and a tangible link to local history.
In compiling the information necessary to complete historic designation survey sheets, property owners and the Commission create a respository of information on the history of the structure, its inhabitants and the surrounding area.
Studies in several states show that historic properties often appreciate at greater rates than non-historic properties, particularly when located in historic districts (compared to similar non-historic neighborhoods).
Dollars spent in rehabilitating historic residential properties generate jobs and economic activity.
Preserving existing structures helps maintain the district's character.
The district infrastucture already exists, saving considerable expenses associated with creating new roads, utilities and services.
Older structures are located in prime retail areas, suitable for commercial usage.
Preservation is a poplular public cause, and the historicial charm of older structures can servie as a draw for patrons, and a suitable backdrop for large community festivals, etc.
Older buildings are generally energy efficient, with long durability and less maintenance in the long run. The renovations involved are more-labor focused, generating more local jobs thatn structures shipping in newly manufactured materials and using non-local temporary labor forces. A district generating local jobs is popular particularly in economic periods where job creation overall is sluggish. - What are the different levels of Preservation?
Federal-Buildings meeting strict historical criteria may be designated and placed on the National Register of Historic Places.
State-Buildings may be designated by the state (if they meet criteria identical to the federal program); the state granted municipalities the authority to create ordinances for historic preservation in the Municipal Land Use Law.
Local-Preservation authority resides in municpal ordiances.
- What are the Benefits of Historic Preservation?
- What are the Municipal Court & Violations Office hours?
Office Hours
8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Municipal Court Sessions
Tuesday – 3:30 p.m.
Thursday – 2:00 p.m. and 3:30 p.m. - Where can I pay my ticket?
You can pay your ticket online at
Municipal Ticket Search (External Link)
West Milford Municipal Court
1480 Union Valley Road
West Milford, NJ 07480
Office Hours
8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
- What are the Municipal Court & Violations Office hours?
- How do I apply for a Zoning Permit?
Visit sdl.town/WestMilford to apply for Zoning Permits.
A property survey is REQUIRED for all Zoning Permit Applications. Draw to scale on your property survey the exact location and dimensions of the proposed structure and the distances to all property lines and other buildings. If any of the required information is not provided, the application will not be processed.
- How do I apply for a Temporary Outdoor Activity Permit?
The Application Form and the Instructions to help complete and submit your application can be found at TOA Permit App & Instructions (Fillable Form).pdf
- Do I need a Zoning Permit for...?
Installing or repairing a fence: Yes. On any lot in any residential district, no wall or fence shall be erected or altered so that such wall or fence is over four feet in height in the front yard areas and six feet in height in the side and rear yard areas, with a few exceptions.
Constructing/placing a shed: Yes. All sheds, regardless of size, require a zoning permit. Sheds over 200 square feet require a zoning permit and a construction permit. For further information, please contact the Building Department at (973) 728-2780.
Putting in a pool: Yes. Township Swimming Pool Ordinance
Repairing, replacing, or installing a sign: Yes.
Placing a temporary dumpster: No. However, if you will be placing the dumpster on any road, please contact the Township Police Department Non-Emergency line to let them know: (973) 728-2802.
Changing a commercial use in a commercial building: Yes. You will require a zoning permit to change a business in an existing commercial structure.
- What are the Zoning Permit Application fees?
New Single Family Residential Homes: $100.00Residential Additions: $75.00Residential Accessory Bldgs (over 100 sq.ft.): $75.00Fences, Pools, Sheds, Walls, Decks & Signs: $50.00Generators: $50.00Home Occupation: $50.00Short Term Rental: $50.00Change in Tenancy: $30.00Commercial Buildings: $200.00Commercial Additions/Alterations: $150.00Temporary Outdoor Activity/Event: $50.00
- What is the status of my Zoning Permit Application?
Applications are reviewed in the order that we receive them. State Law provides 10 business days for review. The review process begins on the day payment is received and can take up to 2 weeks. After the application has been reviewed and approved by the Zoning Officer, you will receive an email with the Zoning Permit attached. Applications that are incomplete or do not include a property survey will not be processed.
- Do you have a copy of my property survey?
Maybe. If you applied for a Zoning Permit in the past, then we might have a copy of the survey that was current at that time. But if you've done any work on your property since that time, then the survey we have on file is not current.
- Is this property buildable?
The Zoning Department can only tell you what uses are permitted in the property’s zone district and what the bulk standard requirements are for the municipality, not whether the land can be developed. The entire Township of West Milford is in the Highlands Preservation Area, which severely impacts what may or may not be able to be built. There are a number of factors that go into determining if a parcel can be developed, including, but not limited to, conformance with zoning requirements, Highlands regulations, if there are wetlands, streams and associated buffers, or other environmental limitations on site or in close proximity, easements, and/or deed restrictions. Conformance with zoning can be determined by checking the Township Code, which lists the permitted uses, minimum lot size and building setback requirements to build in each zoning district. Environmental restrictions and limitations are determined through application to either the NJ Highlands Council or the NJ Dept. of Environmental Protection, depending on what type of permit you need. It is recommended that you first contact the Health Department for septic and well regulations.
- Are there any restrictions on fences?
Yes. The maximum height of a fence is 6 feet in your side or rear yard and 4 feet in your front yard. Please be aware that if your house faces more than one street you have more than one front yard. The good side of the fence must face out. There is no setback for fences but we recommend that you keep it back from the property line so that you may maintain your fence without trespassing on your neighbor’s property. Fences cannot be topped with barbed wire or razor wire. Houses on corners may not install a fence in the “sight triangle” that would obscure the view of motorist approaching an intersection. A Zoning Permit is required prior to installing a fence.
- My neighbor and I are having a dispute regarding the boundary lines of our properties. Can the Zoning Department help me?
No. This is NOT a zoning issue. Property line disputes are personal legal matters and are not within the jurisdiction of the Township.
- Where can I find the Zoning Map of West Milford?
- Can I keep horses on my property?
Maybe. You need at least one acre of property to keep horses, with the exception of one acre lots in a subdivision of one acre lots, which is not allowed. You must provide a shelter for the horses. The shelter must have 100 sq. ft. per horse and the number of horses is based on the size of the shelter.
- Can I run a business from my home?
Maybe. West Milford zoning ordinance allows for two classes of home based businesses. The first being “Home Occupation” which would be Crafters, Electricians, Plumbers, Mail Order businesses, etc. The second being “Home Professional Offices” which would be Lawyers, Doctors, Architects, etc. “Home Occupation Businesses” may occupy up to 25% or 400 square feet of the home or accessory building. No more than one person other than family members residing at the home may be engaged in the “Home Occupation”. “Home Professional Offices” may occupy up to 50% or 800 square feet of the home or accessory building. No more than two persons other than family members residing at the home may be engaged in the “Home Professional Offices”. The following apply to both classes of businesses. No traffic or parking in excess of three cars in addition to the cars of the normal residents of the home shall be generated. No deliveries shall be made in a vehicle larger than a standard UPS or Postal vehicle. The business shall not produce any dangerous, injurious, noxious or otherwise objectionable fire, explosion or other hazard; noise or vibration, smoke, dust, odor, or other form of air pollution; heat, cold or dampness; electromagnetic or other disturbance; glare; liquid or solid refuse or other wastes; or objectionable substance, condition or element. Commercial vehicles used in connection with the home business shall be parked off street and out of the general public view.
- Where can I find information on the Highlands Water Protection & Planning Act?
Highlands Water Protection & Planning Act
New Jersey Highlands Council - West Milford Plan Conformance - NJ Highlands Council Plan Conformance Information for the Township of West Milford
To determine how the law affects your property, use the Highlands Interactive Map to first determine if the property is in the Highlands Preservation Area or Planning Area.
- My Zoning Permit Application was denied. How do I apply for a use or bulk variance?
Please contact the Secretary for the Zoning Board of Adjustment at [email protected] to begin this process.
- How do I apply for a Zoning Permit?
- Can I remain anonymous when calling in suspicious activity?
Yes. Just advise the Dispatcher that you would like to remain anonymous and then provide the pertinent information such as location, descriptions and anything else that will assist the responding officers.
- Can I ride an ATV/dirtbike on the roadway?
No ATV shall be operated on or across a public highway or public lands or waters of this State unless it is properly registered and insured. No person shall operate an ATV on private property without first receiving permission to do so by the property owner. No person under the age of 14 shall operate or be allowed to operate an ATV across a public highway or on public lands or waters of this State. A person less than 16 years of age shall not operate an ATV across a public highway or on public lands or waters of this State with an engine displacement greater than 90 c.c.(cubic centimeters). A person less than 18 years of age shall not operate a registered ATV across a public highway or on public lands or waters of this state without first successfully completing an all-terrain vehicle safety education and training course approved by this State. The operator of the ATV shall have proof of course completion in their possession. A properly registered and insured ATV many only be operated on the main traveled portion of a public street or highway in order to cross it. The ATV must first come to a complete stop and then yield to any vehicular traffic on the roadway/highway. The crossing must be completed safely and as directly as possible, without interfering with the flow of traffic in either direction. When unable to gain immediate access to the area adjacent to the crossing the ATV may be operated parallel to the highway/roadway but not on the roadway.
- Can I tint my car windows?
No person shall drive any motor vehicle whose windows cause any undue or unsafe distortion of visibility. The manufacturer provides each vehicle windshield with a certain percentage of “tint”, and the manufacturer’s approval is distinctively marked on the glass. All “tint” not inspected and approved by the Division Of Motor Vehicle is in violation of N.J.S.A. 39:3-75. The reason for the limitation on the amount of “tint” you are allowed to have is police officer safety. When approaching a vehicle, which has “tinted” windows, it is difficult for the officer to see who or what is inside the vehicle. The officer then needs to prepare himself/herself for the unexpected since their sight into the vehicle is now limited. Like most people, officers don’t like to go into places or situations where their sight is limited.
- Do I have to wear a bicycle helmet?
Under the age of 16 you must wear an authorized helmet when bicycling, rollerblading and skateboarding. If not, parents will be issued a summons. Remember, the use of an authorized helmet can drastically reduce the seriousness of injuries.
- How can I obtain a Firearms ID card and/or gun permit?
Directions for the online firearms application process can be found in the Forms & Documents section of the website.
- How do I become a Police Officer for the Township of West Milford?
In order to become a Police Officer for the Township you must have at least a High School education. You then apply to take the New Jersey Civil Service Exam offered by the N.J. Department of Personnel. Your score from this exam will be valid for 2 years. Pick up applications for the New Jersey Civil Service Examination at Police Headquarters. You then mail the application to the N.J. Department of Personnel. Applicants must meet the requirements set forth by the N.J. Department of Personnel. West Milford does not have a residency requirement, however there is a hiring preference towards Township residents.
- If I see a raccoon out during the day is it rabid?
Only if the raccoon appears slow and lethargic, and seems to be disorientated, otherwise it can be normal for the raccoon to be out during the day time hours.
- Is Clinton Road and New City Road really haunted as reported by Weird New Jersey Magazine?
We are not experts on ghosts, but the Officers that have been on the job for 30+ years can assure you that they have never seen a ghost. This department does take ghost hunting very seriously and will charge anyone found to be harassing local residents or causing a hazardous situation.
- What are the Municipal Court & Violations Office hours?
Municipal Court Hours
Tuesday – 5:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m.
Thursday – 2:30 p.m. and 5:00 p.m.
(Court hours may be different on Holidays)
Violations Office Hours
8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
On Monday, Wednesday and Fridays extended hours of 7:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. are available. Call (973) 728-2751 prior to coming to insure there will be someone in the office when you arrive. - What do I do if I see a bear?
You may call Police Headquarters to report a bear in the area, but we cannot remove it, only attempt to frighten it away. Do not approach the bear or offer it any food. There is a Township ordinance against the feeding of bears
- What happens if I lose my driver’s license?
You must file a Police report, and bring verification down to the Division of Motor Vehicles.
- When can I come in for fingerprints?
Anytime, but we suggest you call (973)728-2802 to avoid being subject to a delay due to busy time.
- Can I remain anonymous when calling in suspicious activity?
- Grass - Leaves - Brush?
West Milford Residents:- Grass and Leaves are accepted at the West Milford Recycling Center
- NO Landscapers ( Resident or Not ) are allowed to use this facility
- Recycling Center Hours of Operation:
- Monday & Wednesday 8am-4pm
- Saturday & Sunday 8 am-4pm
- Please be advised if you bring Leaves or Grass in bags you must take the leaves or grass
- out of the bags and dispose of the bags in cans along the fence.
- Thank you very much
- SUNDAY - All days hours are the same 8 am - 4 pm Please try to get here before 3:45 pm
- That is when the gates get locked.
West Milford Residents ONLY- All Brush is Accepted at: Skytop Recycling, 80 Airport Rd.
- Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday 7am - 3pm Saturday 6am - 11am Sunday - CLOSED
- You must show your drivers license as proof
- What is my new garbage/trash collection day?
Your garbage day will be the day before your scheduled recycling day. For example, if your recycling day is Monday, your garbage day will be Friday. The only exception is the Lindy’s Lake area. Their recycling day is being changed to Friday with their new garbage day to be Thursday. (See separate memo for listing of roads)
Listed below are the five zones for recycling with the new garbage collection days:
Recycling Zone 1 – Monday Garbage Collection – Friday
Areas included: Bald Eagle Village, Crescent Park, Farmcrest, Hi-Lo Acres, Newfoundland, Oak Ridge, Reflection Lakes Apts., Sundown Farms, Union Valley Road (from Rt. #23 to Omni School)
________________________________________________________________________Recycling Zone 2 – Tuesday Garbage Collection – Monday (no change)
Areas included: Upper Greenwood Lake, Warwick Turnpike & White Road
________________________________________________________________________Recycling Zone 3 – Wednesday Garbage Collection – Tuesday
Areas included: All roads off Lakeside Road, Awosting, Birch Hill, Burnt Meadow Road, East Shore Road, Elm Street, Greenbrook Estates, Lakeside, Marshall Hill Road, Pinecliff Lake, Ridge Road (from Cahill Cross Road to Union Valley Road), Stowaway Park, Wallisch Estates
______________________________________________________________________Recycling Zone 4 – Thursday Garbage Collection – Wednesday
Areas included: All roads off Morsetown Road, Alpine Ridge Road, Autumn Court, Bald Eagle Commons, Cahill Cross Road, Camelot Estates, Dockerty Hollow Road, Fairview Court, Gould Road, Highview Estates, Kitchell Lake, Macopin Road (from Union Valley Road to Maple Road), Morsetown Road, Mountain Rise, Olde Milford Estates, Peter & Hazel Roads, Pinecrest Lake, Pondview Drive, Red Barn & Holiday Lane, Rockburn, Snake Den Road, Starlight & Nosenzo Pond Roads, Tall Timbers, Westbrook Road and all roads off Westbrook, Will Lane, Wooley Road
_____________________________________________________________________Recycling Zone 5 – Friday Garbage Collection – Thursday
Areas included: Apshawa, Ashbrook Lane, Baldwin Drive, Blakely Lane, Corter Lane, Echo Lake area, Forest Hill Park, Germantown Road and all roads off Germantown, Glennon Road, Gordon Lakes, Green Terrace Way, Hancock Drive, High Crest Lake, Hightop Road, Highview Drive, Hillview Court, Joseph Place, Krattiger Court, Lake Isle Drive, Larsen Drive, Lindy’s Lake, Macopin Road (from Maple Road to Bloomingdale line), Maple Road and all roads off Maple, Misty Lane, Mountain Springs Lake, Otterhole Road and all roads off Otterhole, Postbrook Roads North & South, Sanders Court, Saw Mill Road, Schofield Road, Shady Lake, Trails End, Upper & Lower Mt. Glen Lakes, Viking Road, Weaver Road, Wonder Lake
The office of Recycling & Solid Waste would like to thank all the residents for their patience in this matter. Any questions on your new garbage collection day or recycling day, please call the office @ (973) 728- 2724. - When is my new recycling day?
A list of the new recycling zones/days can be found on the Recycling Department home page or CLICK HERE. You can also find the Recycling Calender.
- Grass - Leaves - Brush?
- How do I determine tax assessment placed on my property?
On or before February 1st of the current tax year, Assessment Notification Postcards are mailed to each property owner. These postcards advise you of your property's current tax assessment and the amount of taxes billed in the previous year. Please contact the Tax Collector's Office at (973) 728-2785 to confirm the amount of taxes paid last year. Please contact the Tax Assessor's Office if you do not receive your postcard by mid-February.
- How do I appeal my tax assessment?
Tax appeals must be filed with the Passaic County Tax Board prior to April 1st of the current tax year. Please contact the Tax Assessor's Office at (973) 728-2793 for the proper tax appeal forms.
- How can I obtain a copy of my deed?
Please contact the Tax Assessor's Office at (973) 728-2793 to request a copy of your deed.
- How do I determine tax assessment placed on my property?
- Do I need a receipt for tax payments?
When remitting tax payments, it is not always necessary to obtain a receipt from our validating machine. Your canceled check will act as a receipt. However, if you remit your payment with cash and desire a receipt, or specifically request a receipt for your records, please tell the cashier prior to her validating your payment. You may, at any time, request a printout of your account showing a history of your tax records. There will be a charge of $1.50 per page of the printout.
- Do I use my estimated tax bill to pay 3rd qtr taxes?
The estimated tax bill has the same validity as a regular tax bill, with the same status as a tax bill. The estimated tax bill is due August 1st until August 10th with a ten calendar day grace period, if received after August 10th interest will be charged at the rate of 8% on the first $1,500.00 and 18% on the balance until brought current. Final tax bills will be mailed once we receive a certified tax rate from the county all adjustments will then be made in the 4th quarter.
- May I remit my taxes using the drop boxes?
There are two drop boxes located on either side of the circular driveway. You may remit your tax payments using these boxes. Please deposit your check along with your tax bill for proper credit. Please do not deposit cash. These boxes are checked periodically during the day to ensure timely and accurate postings. If you require a receipt, please include a self-addressed stamped envelope and a receipt will be mailed to you.
- May I remit tax payments using a bill paying agency?
You may use a bill paying agency to remit your tax payment, however, please alert the company to list your full name, address, and the account number or the block and lot number on the check that is being issued to this office for payment. Having as much information on the payment check as possible will insure proper credit to your tax account. The check must be made payable to the Township of West Milford, Tax Collector's Office.
Kindly mail the check to:
West Milford Tax Collector's Office
1480 Union Valley Road
West Milford, NJ 07480 - May I use a credit card for remitting tax payments?
This office now accepts credit/debit card payments thru our website only. We accept payment
by ACH checking account thru our wesbsit. Major credit cards accepted are Visa, Master Card, Discover and American Express. Please remember that you can not walk in to the tax office and pay by credit card, we do not have the ability to swipe your card. If you do not have a computer you can use the computer in the library. There is a convience fee charged for using your credit card, if you pay by checking there is no fee charged. - Should I notify the Tax Collector's Office when I relocate?
Yes. When you relocate, please notify the Tax Collector's Office of your new address to insure your tax bills are sent to the correct address.
- What is the best method to remit my taxes?
The best method to remit your tax payment is by check. You may mail your bill and your check, use the drop box in tne circular driveway, or come in the office in person. Processing checks through our validating machine is quicker and more efficient then paying in cash. Your canceled check will then act as your receipt.
- What is the Tax Title Lien Sale?
The Tax Title Lien Sale is held once a year through the Tax Collector's Office. This office sells lien certificates on parcels that have tax balances due from the prior year. Anyone may attend the sale and place a bid to secure a lien certificate. The bidding is on the interest charge, starting out at 18% and going down from there to the collection of premiums. Be advised as a successful bidder, however, you are not purchasing the property, you are purchasing a lien certificate on the property, giving you only the right to remit tax payments. After holding the lien certificate for two years and remitting tax payments, you may retain an attorney to initiate foreclosure, leading to ownership to the property. However, the owner of the property has the right to redeem your lien within those two years, refunding you your tax payments plus the interest charge you purchased the lien certificate for. If you are interested in participating in our lien sale, for investment purposes, it might be wise to seek an attorney's advice. The Tax Collector's Office may also answer your questions regarding the sale. The sale is open to the public for bidding or observation.
- When are my quarterly taxes due?
Tax payments are due February 1, May 1, August 1, and November 1. Each tax quarter has a ten calendar day grace period. You may remit your payments in person or by mail. The office is open from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm
- When does the Tax office mail out the little green post card for income tax purposes?
The Tax Office does not mail out these cards for income tax purposes. These cards are mailed out by the Tax Assessors Office for the sole purpose of filing an appeal if you are not happy with your assessment. Please use your final tax bill for filing income taxes.
- Where can I obtain tax deduction forms?
Forms are available in the Tax Collector's Office for the Veteran Deduction, the Senior Citizen Deduction, and the Disable Deduction. All other forms, such as for the Homestead Rebate, the Property Tax Reimbursement, and the NJ Saver programs may be obtained from the State of New Jersey Taxation website.
Or Phone:
Homestead Rebate 1-800-323-4400 or 609-826-4400
Property Tax Reimbursement 1-800-882-6597
NJ Saver Rebate 1-877-658-2972 - Why did I receive a Reminder or Delinquent Notice when my mortgage company pays my taxes?
As a courtesy to the taxpayer, this office generates Reminder or Delinquent Notices throughout the year, when taxes are past due. These notices alert you that your taxes are not paid, so you may follow through with your mortgage company, as ultimately, taxes on your property are your responsibility.
- Why should I make remitting my property taxes a priority?
Making your tax payments a priority is extremely important. By remitting your taxes on time, you help to keep the tax rate down for the following year. Also, this office charges interest on delinquencies, by State Statue, at the rate of 8% on the first $1,500.00 and 18% on any remaining balance due. Therefore, for both of those reasons, it is imperative you make remitting your taxes top priority.
- Do I need a receipt for tax payments?