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  • Frequently Asked Questions

Department: Tax Collector

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  • Tax Collection
    • Do I need a receipt for tax payments?

      When remitting tax payments, it is not always necessary to obtain a receipt from our validating machine.  Your canceled check will act as a receipt.  However, if you remit your payment with cash and desire a receipt, or specifically request a receipt for your records, please tell the cashier prior to her validating your payment.  You may, at any time, request a printout of your account showing a history of your tax records.  There will be a charge of $1.50 per page of the printout.

    • Do I use my estimated tax bill to pay 3rd qtr taxes?

      The estimated tax bill has the same validity as a regular tax bill, with the same status as a tax bill. The estimated tax bill is due August 1st until August 10th with a ten calendar day grace period, if received after August 10th interest will be charged at the rate of 8% on the first $1,500.00 and 18% on the balance until brought current. Final tax bills will be mailed once we receive a certified tax rate from the county all adjustments will then be made in the 4th quarter.

    • May I remit my taxes using the drop boxes?

      There are two drop boxes located on either side of the circular driveway. You may remit your tax payments using these boxes. Please deposit your check along with your tax bill for proper credit.  Please do not deposit cash. These boxes are checked periodically during the day to ensure timely and accurate postings. If you require a receipt, please include a self-addressed stamped envelope and a receipt will be mailed to you.

    • May I remit tax payments using a bill paying agency?

      You may use a bill paying agency to remit your tax payment, however, please alert the company to list your full name, address, and the account number or the block and lot number on the check that is being issued to this office for payment.  Having as much information on the payment check as possible will insure proper credit to your tax account. The check must be made payable to the Township of West Milford, Tax Collector's Office.
                                               Kindly mail the check to: 
                                               West Milford Tax Collector's Office
                                               1480 Union Valley Road  
                                               West Milford, NJ  07480

    • May I use a credit card for remitting tax payments?

      This office now accepts credit/debit card payments thru our website only. We accept payment
      by ACH checking account thru our wesbsit. Major credit cards accepted are Visa, Master Card, Discover and American Express. Please remember that you can not walk in to the tax office and pay by credit card, we do not have the ability to swipe your card. If you do not have a computer you can use the computer in the library. There is a convience fee charged for using your credit card, if you pay by checking there is no fee charged.

    • Should I notify the Tax Collector's Office when I relocate?

      Yes. When you relocate, please notify the Tax Collector's Office of your new address to insure your tax bills are sent to the correct address.

    • What is the best method to remit my taxes?

      The best method to remit your tax payment is by check.  You may mail your bill and your check, use the drop box in tne circular driveway, or come in the office in person.  Processing checks through our validating machine is quicker and more efficient then paying in cash.  Your canceled check will then act as your receipt. 

    • What is the Tax Title Lien Sale?

      The Tax Title Lien Sale is held once a year through the Tax Collector's Office.  This office sells lien certificates on parcels that have tax balances due from the prior year.  Anyone may attend the sale and place a bid to secure a lien certificate.  The bidding is on the interest charge, starting out at 18% and going down from there to the collection of premiums.  Be advised as a successful bidder, however, you are not purchasing the property, you are purchasing a lien certificate on the property, giving you only the right to remit tax payments.  After holding the lien certificate for two years and remitting tax payments, you may retain an attorney to initiate foreclosure, leading to ownership to the property.  However, the owner of the property has the right to redeem your lien within those two years, refunding you your tax payments plus the interest charge you purchased the lien certificate for.  If you are interested in participating in our lien sale, for investment purposes, it might be wise to seek an attorney's advice.  The Tax Collector's Office may also answer your questions regarding the sale.  The sale is open to the public for bidding or observation.

    • When are my quarterly taxes due?

      Tax payments are due February 1, May 1, August 1, and November 1. Each tax quarter has a ten calendar day grace period.  You may remit your payments in person or by mail.  The office is open from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm

    • When does the Tax office mail out the little green post card for income tax purposes?

      The Tax Office does not mail out these cards for income tax purposes. These cards are mailed out by the Tax Assessors Office for the sole purpose of filing an appeal if you are not happy with your assessment. Please use your final tax bill for filing income taxes.

    • Where can I obtain tax deduction forms?

      Forms are available in the Tax Collector's Office for the Veteran Deduction, the Senior Citizen Deduction, and the Disable Deduction.  All other forms, such as for the Homestead Rebate, the Property Tax Reimbursement, and the NJ Saver programs may be obtained from the State of  New Jersey Taxation website.

      Or Phone:

      Homestead Rebate                      1-800-323-4400  or  609-826-4400
      Property Tax Reimbursement     1-800-882-6597
      NJ Saver Rebate                          1-877-658-2972

    • Why did I receive a Reminder or Delinquent Notice when my mortgage company pays my taxes?

      As a courtesy to the taxpayer, this office generates Reminder or Delinquent Notices throughout the year, when taxes are past due.  These notices alert you that your taxes are not paid, so you may follow through with your mortgage company, as ultimately, taxes on your property are your responsibility.

    • Why should I make remitting my property taxes a priority?

      Making your tax payments a priority is extremely important.  By remitting your taxes on time, you help to keep the tax rate down for the following year.  Also, this office charges interest on delinquencies, by State Statue, at the rate of  8% on the first $1,500.00  and 18% on any remaining balance due.  Therefore, for both of those reasons, it is imperative you make remitting your taxes top priority.